Hello, World!

Welcome to the official online edition of The Bird's Eye View, Mt. Abraham Union High School's student newspaper. All articles published on this site have been written by students, ranging in age between 15 and 18 years old. None of the content on this site reflects the views or opinions of Mt. Abraham as a school. We appreciate comments and welcome criticism, but please, keep your comments appropriate and relevent. Thank you, and enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nobody Cares by Erica S.

Public bathrooms are always a discussion of squalor. I’ve heard of people who flush the toilet with their foot or with tissue wrapped around their hands, or coating the seat with a wazoo of toilet paper or whatever. But the thing that baffles me the most is this: who takes the time out of their day to actually go and write on the bathroom wall?
I can name countless times when going to a public restroom in a place like the mall and seeing weird writing, such as: “Cherie was here” or “MJ [hearts] TV”. Those, I don’t have as much a problem with, but I am astounded at the amount of inappropriate writings on the wall in our own bathrooms.
First, I’m proud that you feel you need to announce your sexuality to the world by putting it on a public wall, BUT if you don’t put your name on it, it doesn’t count as coming out. It doesn’t make anyone proud to go to our school when you do things like this.
Second, for those of us who are REALLY proud of their sexuality, do we need to know what you’ve done? Again, it doesn’t make me proud; it makes me want to drop kick you over the sand pit.
The funny thing about the writing is the fact that it is over the new painting in the bathrooms. People didn’t get the hint that they were trying to cover up the nastiness the first time? And the bathroom closest to the cafeteria, several people worked very hard on beautifying that bathroom and people go on and destroy it with their “I’m Bi” or “So and so’s a fatty.” It’s a shame that something so primitive has become such a problem. At least the jellyfish are still in tact.
Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with some administrators about this problem. Surely I am not the only one who notices.
Now, I’m always worried that whenever I use a public bathroom I will be subjected to endure the hatred and stupidity that is written on those walls. There are few stalls left in the girl’s bathrooms that have nothing on them, I hope it stays that way, but I don’t know how long that will last.
Often times I thought about what I would write if I ever had to write on the bathroom wall. So I figured something out after a discussion with a friend: “Long ago in a far away kingdom, nobody cared. The forest was filled with exotic animals and plants, nobody cared. There were beautiful people living in this kingdom, nobody cared. Wondrous and amazing things happened to these people, nobody cared. They were very rich and lived long and fulfilling lives, nobody cared. The end.” What is the message of the story?
Anyone even thinking about desecrating our bathroom walls, I have a news flash for you, “nobody cares.”

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